Semper Fidelis RAM Lodge brings in another member
12th March 2015
March saw Brian Dicks elevated into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree at Semper Fidelis RAM Lodge at Fleetwood. Brian is the current WM of Wyre Mark Lodge, and carried out his first Mark advancement ceremony last month in an absolutely exemplary manner, in front of Deputy Prov.GM Keith Beardmore.  So it was about time he joined the RAM Degree!
WC Joe O'Brien welcomes Brian Dicks
Brian was proposed by the Worshipful Commander Joe O'Brien, who did a stunning job on the ceremony, including explaining the signs, which is even more remarkable due to the fact that this was the first ceremony of his reign as WC.  The very hard-working Scribe, Jimmy Rogers seconded Brian, and has his eye on 2 more candidates for the Lodge - well done Jimmy. 
Walter Porter, Joe O'Brien, Brian Dicks, Alan Fairhurst & Steven Leach
This was the first ceremony for all the officers, and I have to say everyone performed superbly, including Walter Porter who explained the steps in his own inimitable style. Joe upheld the standards set by his predecessor, Alan Fairhurst hanging on his every word, and ready to help if needed.  Tony Hough our DC did a great job of marshalling the ceremony, and Harry Cox our Treasurer kept us all up to date on the monetary front. Steven Leach took care of our spiritual needs as our Chaplain - he is still Provincial Chaplain of Cornwall, and soon to be Provincial Chaplain of West Lancs on May the 6th - he will hold both offices for just 4 days, a rare honour indeed.
SW Giles Berkley with JW David Britton
John Whitley our SD took Brian round in magnificent style, and Steve Clarke our Almoner looks after us all so well. By the way Steve, I have a slight cold - I look forward to a hot toddy from you.....
Organist Peter Brown
As the next Commander of the Lodge, the performance of the WC was quite worrying - how do I top that?  But Joe and I are both committed to driving this wonderful Lodge onwards, with new members, and with that great sense of fun which runs all through this Lodge. If you ever fancy a trip to Fleetwood to see us, you will be made most welcome!
John Whitley, Harry Cox & Dudley Newiss
The Festive Board was held in the bar, with Shepherd's Pie, mushy peas and a very relaxed set of toasts, with everyone mixing and smiling. A great end to a great night, with a brilliant new member for Semper Fidelis RAM Lodge, and a wonderful evening for us all. 
Words & pictures by Giles Berkley